Friday, April 23, 2010

Question for Dan Pink

Think deeply here, people. If you could ask Dan Pink one question, what question would you ask him about his book? Think about the beginning of the book (intro-3), Design, Story and Symphony.


  1. Why do you refer to unidentified people as "her" in your book?

  2. Mr. Pink, according to your book you have essintailly found the key to infinte sucess in the buisness world of not only the future but also the present. With this in mind my question to you is why do you yourself not use the buisness princeples? Why do you not practice them in the buisness world today to prove your point?

  3. In the world today technology plays a very large roll in society. Do you consider technology to be geared toward the logical or creative side of the spectrum?

    If the ideas in your book come into play would technology still increase in size and capabilities? If so, would people who lean toward the right brain have to further their knowledge into the logical computer things, or would more left brained thinkers still outnumber the others because of the growing demand for computer specialists?

  4. I have understood that you are a more left-brained person, therefore, what was your inspiration to write about the six senses dominant in right-brained people that will help them succeed in the future? Do you follow your own advice?

  5. Because students need to learn to be more right-brained, how can schools emphasize right-brained learning and how can schools integrate right-brained activities and learning into core classes like math and science?

  6. When did you first notice this "shift" from right brain to left brain dominance? In other words, why did you write this book now - was there something you experienced or saw in the world that lead you to write a book about the changes, and what was it?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mr. Pink-
    It has been said by others that the line "Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future" has changed some peoples’ opinion about your book. Did you "okay" this line to go on the cover of your book? Or did the publisher add this line without your consent? What do you think about this sentence? Do you think that it has a positive or negative effect on the reader, or no effect at all?

  9. Mr. Pink,
    What inspired you while you were writing A Whole New Mind? What factors led you to choose the “six senses” in the novel; did any personal experiences affect what you wrote?

  10. Mr. Pink,
    Were there specific reasons on the order you put the sections/ chapters of "A Whole New Mind" in? Do the chapters build upon each other?

  11. Mr. Pink-
    You described yourself as an all around person at the beginning of the book when you had your MRI. Do you think that more all around people are better to succeed in the future? Even more so than just right brain oriented people?

  12. How did you decide which right-brained senses to include in your book? Were there any other aptitudes that you thought about including?

  13. Mr. Pink,

    When you wrote A Whole New Mind, did you write it as a prediction to a future society or as a reflection of the current society? Would you change any of the content now that things have changed since you wrote the book?

  14. Mr. Pink,
    When describing that it is time for society to shift from an Information Age to a Conceptual Age, are you directing this need of shift to the United States or to the world?

  15. Mr. Pink,
    How did you come to the conclusion that the "six senses" (which tend to be more R-Directed) are necessary for success in the Conceptual Age when you consider yourself a left-brainer?

  16. I would ask him what made him want to write a book about what we need for our futures to be successful, why he felt it was necessary, and if there was a personal experience he had that led him to his theory.

  17. Mr. Pink
    If you grew up in the left brained theme of education, then what do you think the current trends in school will be. Do you think that schools will be more geared towards right brainers in the near future?

  18. Mr. Pink
    Are you a right brained thinker? For in the begining of symphony you showed a not so perfect self portrait,and I thought that right brained thinkers are usually better tasks such as drawing.

  19. Mr. Pink,
    I was wondering why you decided to write this book in the first place. Were you just fascinated by the human brain or did you have a life-changing experience that influenced your decision to write the book? Also, you mentioned your children in the book. Have you introduced right and left brained activities to them? Do you think you can raise them to be dominant in left brain thinking or right brain thinking?

  20. Mr.Pink,
    When did this fundamental shift of left to right brain thinking start to occur? Was it at the start of the century or lately when the economy started to slide? Also, in the future do you think that right brain reaches its peak as you said left brain thinking had in the book, that the types of thinking will switch again and left brain thinking will become dominant once more?

  21. Have you always been fascinated with the human mind or did you learn something cool about the brain and decide to research it?

  22. Mr. Pink-
    In your opinion, which of the six senses will benefit society the most in the future?

    Although right brain thinking will become more dominant in the near future, do you think that eventually society will switch to left brain thinking again?

  23. Mr. Pink,
    Throughout reading your book, there have been matters where I disagreed, as well as agreed. However, my one question to you is, how have you specifically experienced the change of the way things are thought?

  24. Mr. Pink: Do you think that we are following a cycle? As in the right brainers leave a legacy that left brainers must build off of, then another generation of right brainers, and so on?

  25. You say that left-brained people need to become more right-brained, but do right-brained people also need left-brained qualities to succeed?

  26. Mr. Pink,
    Do you think there could be more than just your six sense in the right brained future?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Do you think that right brain supremacy, in the work force, is a fact or theory?

  29. I greatly value the opportunity to read your book and discuss it with others within the AHS student body. I feel that the concepts within A Whole New Mind have benefited me greatly and could have the same effect for others. Do you have any advice for students that are hoping to adopt your teachings into their own lives as well as spread them to others? How should we, as students, try to make change?

  30. Mr. Pink,
    Which of the three causes (Abundance, Asia, and Automation) do you find the most influential?
    Going along with this question, what about areas of the world other than American and Asia? Do you think they are still in what you call the Informational Age?

  31. Was there a specific event or chain of events that lead you to wanting to write A Whole New Mind and illustrate your belief that the right brain was becoming more prevalent and necessary in the world??

  32. Mr. Pink

    How did you choose the "six senses" you discussed in the book?

  33. If you are more of a left-brain thinker, then why did you write a book about right-brain supremacy? Is the point of A Whole New Mind more so introducing everyone to the differences in function between the two hemispheres of the brain or one being better and more useful than the other?

  34. The second sense you talked about is story, many people associate stories with English or books. Are the "six senses" that you choose applicable to math and science as well as they are to English and history, if so how and how are they used to benefit education?

  35. The book talks mainly about a change that will soon occur, focusing on right brained individuals. You have stated that left-brained people in the conceptual age need to adapt to what is to come. Do you think, that in the future we need to start teaching in school a more balanced type usage of both sides of our heads? Do we need to change the format of classrooms and the styles of teaching to better serve what the future might entail?

  36. Mr. Pink, what was the spark that made you realize that the switch to the conceptual age was coming. It has been happening for a while but what made you realize that these drastic changes were going to take place in the near future.

  37. The emphasis in your book is on honing skills for right brain thinking, but do we need to hone our opposing left brain skills still to be productive?

  38. Do you truly believe everything you wrote about in your book or were you trying to get readers to think outside the box and consider things they normally wouldn't?

  39. I noticed that many of the themes you talk about in the book seem to be encountered throughout the text. Is this intentional? For example, you use stories to help convey the meaning of play, and talk about the symphony that can be found in deign. Do you purposefully try to incorporate your high concept and high touch ideas into the way you wrote the book?

  40. Since you refer to yourself as a very left-brained person the book must have been challenging to write. Did writing this book help you develop a better right-brained way of thinking and expand how you learn and look at experiences?
