Monday, May 17, 2010

A Whole New Connection-Justin, Garrett, Dan


  1. I like how you used commercials, a prezi, and such a wide variety of different media. It really added to the presentation.

  2. Wow! the comercials made the presentation awesome. I also liked how you asked the class questions.

  3. I like the videos. I think you should have said that the monkey based their feelings on the design. But the videos were good!

  4. The commercials this group used were funny and relevant at the same time.

  5. The videos are very intersting with what you connected them with~ I think they could have memorized their parts, but they had great points.

  6. Nice elements! I like the tags you each have and the commercials. You guys are very organized and have each of your senses laid out and know what to say and when to say it. Nobody seems nervous like most groups were, which was nice. The papers were a little distracting (perhaps a notecard?) but you made your point.

  7. I like how they showed different aspects on each of the senses that they used. The Prezi was intriguing, as well!

  8. I enjoyed that you used something other than a power point. The prezi was hard to read at some points. I thought the visual representation of the different aspects with your dress worked well.

  9. There was some reading off of notecards and the screen. Daniel and Garrett did a great job projecting their voices and moving around.

  10. They used such a wide variety of visual examples and it really pulled me into the presentation!

  11. your prezi was so cool! I am so impressed with how smoothly it went. I also liked how you compared and contrasted with visual examples. You projected your voice very nicely.

  12. The signs on their shirts were eye-catching and helped us to pay more attention. Also, the commercials were entertaining. I also liked how the slides didn't have a lot of words, but some of them were dark and hard to read against the darker background. But good presentation overall.

  13. I liked the commercials. It would have been better if they weren't reading exactly what was on the screen.

  14. The presentation with Prezi was very creative and entertaining- a little bit hard to read. It sounded well rehearsed with good examples.

  15. I liked the commercials, they caught my attention.

    Jonathan would have been more effective had he not been reading off of his paper so much.

  16. I liked the way you used the roll playing to portray your ideas. The prezi was well done and flowed well. The scripting was well done but could have been rehersed a little more. The examples were solid and well connected to your points.

  17. I think that sitting down on the table made it seem as though you thought your presentation was boring. And actually when you said that play with breaks in between classes has been lost, in Kenya we had plenty break in between classes, it was snack time between classes and we were allocated 15 mins. The Prezi was to small at points, and read off of.
